We use recycled materials

(No sir, no fast fashion ‘round here)

Using thrifted clothing means that we will not be contributing to textile waste and environmentally damaging practices that fast fashion contributed to. We also have fun scouring thrift stores for you.

We want to contribute as little as possible to harmful practices. Because we are a small business, we can implement sustainable practices at the very beginning! Our clothing either comes from sustainably sourced organic cotton, or recycled clothing.

39,000 tons of discarded clothes end up in the Atacama desert in Chile each year

What is fast fashion?

Fast fashion describes a business model that mass produces clothing each season at very low costs.

A few facts about textile waste that will raise your arm hair:

- About 17 million tons of textile wast end up in landfills each year

- It takes 2,700 liters of water to produce one cotton shirt

-Textiles can take up to 200 years to decompose

-Most fast fashion brands use slave labour to produce low cost clothing