Loon Apparel began with two siblings on the Long Trail, a 273 mile trail through the Green Mountains of Vermont.

Looking out over a lake one night, backpacks on, watching the moon rise over the trees, we listened to a loon sing its haunting song.

It was so lonely, the sound, and we couldn’t help but feel it vibrate in our bodies, this yearning for an answer, this call for a community- we understood.

What is our loon call, we thought, how do we reach our fellow loons, our community of people who are conscious, critical thinking, questioning, and loving.

As artists, our answer was through art.

Our silk screen process occurs in a broom closet, our printing done at the kitchen table, and our clothing is found in Goodwill, Habitat for Humanity, or by generous clothing donations from you.

We stand for truth and freedom.

Stand with us.

For the loon in everyone